Trading & Optimisation

Enhanced value. Reduced risk.

Benefit from advanced analysis and prediction models

Like any investment, an energy asset only delivers a good return if it is efficiently and expertly managed. Our Trading & Optimisation team uses a range of in-house analysis and prediction models to deliver maximum returns to asset owners. These models have been honed over many years of successful optimisation of our own portfolio, including both generation and storage assets.

Talk to our experts
Data science-based optimisation

We use advanced data science technologies, developed in-house, to accurately forecast power and ancillary service prices. This enables us to make sure that the energy your assets generate or store is only sent to power markets at times that deliver the optimum ROI.

Real-time despatch

We can manage your assets in real-time so that despatch is always optimised against current market prices and any constraints that apply to your asset. Our services include bespoke management of fuel, the state of charge in storage, or any running restrictions that apply.

De-risking your investment

An important part of optimising the value of your energy assets is sensible risk management. As part of our service, we constantly monitor future fuel prices and other factors that may affect your ROI. These factors include potential exposure to price imbalances and the risk of downtime caused by mechanical or system faults.

Expert market analysis

Our insight into how power markets work is based on many years of experience that is shared across our team. We actively participate in DNO (Distribution Network Operator) Markets, as well as the Capacity Market and the Balancing Mechanism – all of which contribute to making sure that grids can meet demand.

As part of analytical services, we can assess assets to ensure that they are compliant with the grid code and other essential standards.

Profitability assessment and forecasting

Our Trading & Optimisation services include analysis and assessment of new projects. We will provide you with a professional assessment of your project at any stage of development, from initial plan to final construction. Based on expert market forecasts, our analysis can help you to decide on the viability of a project. We will also be able to recommend changes that will enhance viability as the country transitions to a net zero energy landscape.

Need to know more? Talk to us.

Whatever type of energy asset you have, our Trading & Optimisation experts are here to help you.